Date of publication: 16.04.2014
Posting of Workers: MEPs back Enforcement Directive
The European Parliament today adopted at first reading the compromise on the Enforcement Directive on the Posting of Workers. The Directive will improve conditions for the one million workers who are posted around Europe every year, the three biggest posting countries being Poland, Germany and France. -
Date of publication: 18.03.2014
One step from the adoption of the enforcement Directive on posting of workers
The EMPL committee has just adopted the outcome of the trilogues on the posting of workers Directive by 30 MEPs in favour and 11 against. -
Date of publication: 14.03.2014
Provisionally agreed text on the Posting of workers Enforcement Directive
The negotiations on the Posting of workers Enforcement Directive came to an end between the EP, the EU Council and the European Commission on 27 February 2014. The consolidated compromise text is available in the English language version. -
Date of publication: 27.02.2014
Provisional deal on the posting of workers!
Today's provisional agreement on the Posting of workers Enforcement Directive is a sign of responsibility of European institutions. The proposed text aims at ensuring the worker's protection and legal clarity for the companies -
Date of publication: ..
"Posting of workers- good law with benefits for workers and undertakings" - a report from one of the meetings from the series "With a view on Europe"
A meeting devoted to posting of workers within European Union and draft enforcement directive concerning this way of provision of services took place on February 17th in the House of Europe situated in Wroclaw. -
Date of publication: 30.01.2014
Danuta Jazłowiecka comments on the agreement reached by the Council
Commenting on the agreement reached by the Council regarding the proposal on implementing the directive on the posting of workers, Danuta Jazłowiecka MEP, responsible for the file on posting of workers in the European Parliament's Employment Committee. -
Date of publication: 30.01.2014
Low-cost foreign workers: Reforms needed to end abuses
Danuta Jazlowiecka on EuroparlTV: Europe's hotly-debated Posted Worker directive must go further to ward off exploitation of employment and social rights. -
Date of publication: 04.07.2013
See the latest version of the report concerning the posting of workers!
Two weeks ago after long and difficult negotiations between political groups in the European Parliament, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs voted on the Enforcement Directive concerning the posting of workers -
Date of publication: 21.06.2013
Posting of workers: MEPs to start negotiations with Member States
Yesterday, after long and difficult negotiations between political groups in the European Parliament, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs voted on the Enforcement Directive concerning the posting of workers. MEPs backed provisions that will help labour inspectorates in assessing the legality of posting without changing the definition of a posted worker. -
Date of publication: 21.06.2013
Enforcing workers rights across EU
The European Parliament is considering measures to reinforce the rights of workers posted to other EU member states, including inspections and cross-border fines. Rapporteur Danuta Jazłowiecka of the EPP Group says the measures will help support economic activity within Europe’s single market.